Dosbarth Cas-Gwent
Dosbarth Cas Gwent: Blended Learning 22/01/21
Grow Everyday activities Giglets – Use your logins and enjoy activities assigned. Spelling Shed – Use your logins and enjoy some fun Games Practise Year 1 tricky words Use top marks maths to practise, counting, ordering and adding and subtraction games Bloom Weekly Focus learning Language Literacy Communication To share the story with…
Dosbarth Cas-Gwent: Blended Learning 25.01.21
Grow Everyday activities Giglets – Use your logins and enjoy activities assigned. Spelling Shed – Use your logins and enjoy some fun games Use top marks maths to practise using number in different ways Bloom Weekly Focus learning Language Literacy Communication Fiction – Adventure Writing Where would you go on an adventure with…
Money 1p 2p 5p
Dosbarth Cas-Gwent: Blended Learning 18.01.21
Grow Everyday activities Giglets – Use your logins and enjoy activities assigned. Spelling Shed – Use your logins and enjoy some fun games Use top marks maths to practise using number in different ways: Bloom Weekly Focus learning Language Literacy Communication Non- Fiction – Instruction Writing Write a list of fruit you would…
Blended Learning: Dosbarth Cas-Gwent 04/01/21
Grow Everyday activities Giglets – Use your logins and enjoy activities assigned. Spelling Shed – Use your logins and enjoy some fun games. Use top marks maths to practise using number in different ways: Bloom Weekly Focus learning Language Literacy Communication – Share the story Oliver’s fruit salad Write a list of…
Class Worship
Blended Learning Menu: Dosbarth Cas-Gwent | Weeks 12 & 13
Grow Everyday activities Use your logins and enjoy activities assigned. Use your logins and enjoy some fun Games Practise Phase 5 sounds and Tricky words – see seesaw for interactive flash cards Use top marks maths to practise, counting, ordering and adding and subtraction games Bloom Weekly Focus learning Language Literacy Communication…
Blended Learning Menu: Dosbarth Cas-Gwent | 13-11-2020
Grow Everyday activities – Use your logins and enjoy a story you can read to your Mummy or Daddy, remember to sound out new words and practise tricky words. Use your logins and enjoy some fun Games using the ll sound. Practise Phase 5 sounds and Tricky words – see seesaw for interactive flash cards…
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