Dosbarth Cas-Gwent: Blended Learning 25.01.21
Everyday activities
- Giglets – Use your logins and enjoy activities assigned.
- Spelling Shed – Use your logins and enjoy some fun games
- Use top marks maths to practise using number in different ways
Weekly Focus learning
Language Literacy Communication
Fiction – Adventure Writing
Where would you go on an adventure with a snowman
Share the story of Raymond Briggs ‘The Snowman’
The Snowman (1982) HD – YouTube
World Storytelling week
Share a story a day and talk about what’s happened ? what did you enjoy most?
Daily practise of tricky words – I, he, was, my, a, me, said, before, because, all, be, looked, they, there, are, some, have, little, asked, could, come, some.
Mathematical Development –
– Recite numbers up to 100, forwards and backwards and from different starting points
– forwards (bridging the decade) e.g. 48, 49, 50, 51, 52
– backwards (within the decade) e.g. 68, 67, 66, 65
Consolidate counting forwards and backwards in 10s to 100 and in 5s to at least 20
Using a counting back strategy
Use ‘counting back’ strategies to mentally solve problems within 10
e.g. 8-3 using fingers to keep track of the count
Religious Education
Recognise the story of the presentation of Jesus [Luke 2]
Begin to understand why Mass is important and who is special in Mass.
Ten, Ten: – Religious Understanding The Prodigal Son story to show children that God loves us, and nothing we can do will stop Him from loving us
Extend the learning
Well -being and health
Looking at how it feels when playing in the snow.
Sharing favourite stories with an adult
Expressive Arts
Make tree decorations.
Make snow pictures.
Build a snowman.
Understand where we live and traditional foods of Wales and key places of interest.
Science and Technology
Looking at hot and cold
Look at how ice/ snow can change into water.
Planting peas – experiment [ongoing over the next weeks]
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