Dosbarth Cas Gwent: Blended Learning 22/01/21
Everyday activities
Giglets – Use your logins and enjoy activities assigned.
Spelling Shed – Use your logins and enjoy some fun
Practise Year 1 tricky words
Use top marks maths to practise, counting, ordering and adding and subtraction games
Weekly Focus learning
Language Literacy Communication
To share the story with a familiar adult
Look at your favourite character and draw / paint him.
Make a list of words to describe tour favourite character.
Mathematical Development –
Recite number sequences up to 50, forwards and backwards and from different starting points. Pay particular attention to:
– the teens numbers e.g. 12, 13, 14, 15
– bridging the decade e.g. 28, 29, 30, 31
Recite numbers up to 100, forwards and backwards and from different starting points
– backwards (bridging the decade) e.g. 43, 42, 41, 40, 39, 38
– say the next 1, 2, 3 numbers after or before
Make a sensible estimate of a number of objects that can be checked by counting
e.g. estimate a number of objects up to about 20.
Guess for example the number of:
- counters in a pile
- pennies in a purse
Religious Education
Beginning a new topic ‘Change’
Make a draw a picture of their favourite season and say why they have chosen that season.
Using a leaf shape on which to write a Lenten promise of how they will try to grow and change during Lent.
Extend the learning – New Theme ‘Up, Up and Away’
Health and Well-being
Exploring how to move your body in different ways
Cosmic Kids yoga
Make a Lenten promise
Expressive Art
Begin by becoming with the planet songs,
Look at Art inspired by the stars, create a starry, Starry night piece of art.
Create your own star themed art- work.
Science and Technology
To begin to recognise the Sun, Moon, Earth and their purpose.
Explore different materials and how they can be used to make a rocket
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