Blended Learning Menu: Dosbarth Cas-Gwent | 13-11-2020
Everyday activities
– Use your logins and enjoy a story you can read to your Mummy or Daddy, remember to sound out new words and practise tricky words.
Use your logins and enjoy some fun
Games using the ll sound.
Practise Phase 5 sounds and Tricky words – see seesaw for interactive flash cards
Use top marks maths to practise, counting, ordering and adding and subtraction games
Weekly Focus learning
Language Literacy Communication – Instruction Writing
The process
To understand the process of making a sock puppet
Next to write a list of objects used
Sequence how to make a puppet
Final write how to make a puppet. Focus on the language of First, next, finally.
Mathematical Development – Recite number sequences up to 50, forwards and backwards and from different starting points. Pay particular attention to:
- the teens numbers e.g. 12, 13, 14, 15
- bridging the decade e.g. 28, 29, 30, 31
number after/number before.
Investigate partitioning teen numbers. practise using the language we have one 10 and how many ones are there?
WALT: Subtracting objects up to 10
Subtract from a collection of up to 10 e.g. calculate 9-4 using visual clues
Religious Education
Looking at Judaism and exploring other cultures.
Share this video and look on the internet to find more out about Judaism.
Extend the learning
The Tweeter-byes are in China
Make paints, drawing, of animals that live in China
Encourage your child to move to music
Experience music from other cultures
Looking at traditional Chinese art and create my own.
Creating Chinese fans
Explore Chinese traditional dance
Encourage your child to learn the continent song –
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