St Gabriel’s Newsletter: May 2024
Dates for your Diary
New Dates in Bold:
- Friday 24th May: Dosbarth Caerdydd (Miss Griffiths) Class assembly at 2:30pm in school hall – parents / carers welcome
- Wednesday 5th June: Dosbarth Caerffili (Miss Walsh) class trip
- Wednesday 12th – Friday 14th June:
- Friday 14th June: Dosbarth Cil-y-Coed (Mrs de Lima / Mrs Wright) Class assembly at 2:30pm in school hall – parents / carers welcome
- Monday 17th June – Friday 21st June: Year 6 Mock High School Week (held at St Gabriel’s)
- Monday 17th June: In school Cricket taster session for Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 (wear PE kit please)
- Wednesday 26th June: Sports Day (weather permitting) session times for each class outlined below
- Friday 5th July: Dosbarth Caerffili (Miss Walsh) Class assembly at 2:30pm in school hall – parents / carers welcome
- Wednesday 10th July: Back up option if previous Sports Day sessions are rained off
- Friday 12th July: Dosbarth Coch (Reception) Sharing Learning sessions with Mrs Rayner and Mrs Foster (times to be confirmed)
- Friday 19th July: Dosbarth Caernarfon (Miss Ford) Year 6 Leavers Class Assembly 9:15am in school hall – parents / carers welcome
Parish – School Links
As you may be aware the Parish of All Saints will be having its first Corpus Christi Procession, in a number of years.
The celebration takes place during half term, on the last Sunday at 2pm. If you are able to attend, all are welcome. The procession will focus on carrying the Blessed Sacrament around the streets of
Newport, it will be our parish’s way of saying to people that Christ is with us here and now in this place – in the midst of the shops, the cafes, the bars and restaurants.
Our thanks go to Father Peter for celebrating The Feast of the Ascension with a school mass alongside All Saints Parish last Thursday.
It was a lovely occasion for pupils, parish and staff and once more the hymns sung by the children of St Gabriel’s were a joy to behold.
Pupil Safeguarding
As part of our ongoing commitment to safeguarding, earlier today, the school carried out a practice drill for a ‘lockdown’ (we used the example of a wild animal roaming the site). On no occasion was the word lockdown used with the children.
All schools have a statutory responsibility to undertake such drills as part of our safeguarding practices and procedures.
Staff spent some time with pupils sensitively (and at pupils’ level of understanding) discussing the procedures to follow in the event of a safety situation. We undertook a pupil drill today and they excelled by responding to the drill sensibly, calmly and with very little fuss.
Sun Safety
We’ve had a taster of the lovely sunny weather and now it’s gone away again. In the hopes that it returns, please remember on days when it’s sunny or sun is forecast, to apply sun cream to your child before school.
We also recommend children coming to
school in the hotter months with a sun hat (clearly labelled with their name) and a labelled water bottle that can be refilled through out the day as required.
Sports Day Information (repeated from April Newsletter)
As noted in the dates section above, Sports Day is planned for Wednesday 28th June and the event will take place weather permitting. We will make the call regarding the weather by 8 am on the day of the event.
9.05 am – 10.20 am: Year 5 and Year 6
10:30 am – 11:45 am: Year 3 and Year 4
12:40 pm – 1:40 pm: Years 1 and 2
1:50 pm- 2:50 pm: Reception
You are welcome to bring your own chairs or blankets to make it more comfortable. There will be a cordoned area set aside for parents and family members to view the events from. Please keep to this area to ensure the smooth running of the events planned.
Please send the children dressed in their PE kits and tracksuits for the day’s activities. We encourage the children to wear t-shirts of their house colours. They will need water bottles, sun hats and plenty of sun cream that should be applied the morning before they arrive at school.
(Back up option if previous Sports Day sessions are rained off is Wednesday 10th July)
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