St Gabriel’s Newsletter: January 2024
Dates for your Diary
- Wednesday 31st January – deadline at 12pm for statements of interest for Parent Governor election (as shared in letter sent home on 23.1.24)
- Friday 2nd February – Classes to view the book fair during the school day.
- Friday 9th February – Non uniform day – donations of £1 via ParentPay to support our school fund that is used to directly benefit pupils.
- Friday 9th February – End of 1st half
- Monday 19th February – Back to School
- Monday 4th March – Staff training: school closed to pupils
- Friday 22nd March – End of Spring term
- Monday 8th April – Back to School
School – Parish News
Father Stephen had a mass of thanksgiving last Saturday in celebration of the twentieth anniversary of his priesthood. I am sure that you all join me in sending our prayers and best wishes on his reaching of this milestone.
There is a consultation taking place at the moment to discuss the possible
unification of the Dioceses of Cardiff and Menevia into one. There are a number of meetings taking place to hear a range of views. Following recommendations, the decision whether to unite the two diocese is ultimately made by the Holy Father.
If you would like to share your views on this process, there is an ‘Open Listening and Station Mass’ taking place at St. Mary’s, Newport on Wednesday 10th April at 5pm.
Pupil Safety
Our thanks go to the Friends of St. Gabriel’s who have purchased the parking buddies that were recommended for us by Gwent Police.
If you are a regular at the school drop off / pick up, we are sure you will have noticed these parking buddies reminding drivers that small (and larger children) are about and their safety should be in mind at all times.
We ask all drivers to park considering both the rules of the road, the safety of others and also consider the impact on our neighbours.
Friends of St. Gabriel’s – Mothering Sunday Gifts
Book Fair Opportunity
We are hosting a book fair once again – it runs from Friday 2nd to Tuesday 6th February.
Each class will have time to browse the books in a class slot on Friday. They may well come home with a wish list!
A digital leaflet for you to browse some of the books will be sent (via ParentPay email) shortly after receiving this newsletter. Book prices start at £2.99. There is also a range of stationery and small items.
If you wish to make a purchase you have 3 options:
- Pay online via a QR code in person at the book fair after school.
- Buy a voucher online, print and then send to school with your child. Please note that no change can be given for the voucher. Book Fair Gift Vouchers – Scholastic Book Fairs
- Use the QR code to make a payment from your child’s wish-list they may bring home. scholastic-qr-png-2032646.pdf Please then return the wish-list with the payment reference added. Online orders will be delivered to school shortly after the book fair ends.
The book fair is open to parents / carers to browse directly after school, on Friday, Monday and Tuesday in our school hall.
Learning Journeys
We have resumed the process of sharing each class’ learning journey – their layout has been revamped and were emailed via ParentPay. Any feedback on this information shared is welcomed.
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