St Gabriel’s Newsletter: February 2024

Dates for your Diary

New dates / information in bold:

  • Friday 1st March – St David’s Day (non uniform)
  • Monday 4th March – Staff training: school closed to pupils
  • Thursday 7th March: 3:15pm – 4:45pm Upper School (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6) Disco – tickets via parentpay
  • Monday 11th March: Non uniform day for contributions to the chocolate raffle
  • Thursday 14th March: 3pm – 4pm Lower School (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) Disco – tickets via parentpay
  • Tuesday 19th March: Parent Evening Consultations (bookable slots will be released)
  • Wednesday 20th March: Parent Evening Consultations (bookable slots will be released)
  • Friday 22nd March: Chocolate Raffle Draw in school
  • Friday 22nd March – End of Spring term
  • Monday 8th April – Back to School for the Summer term


The classes are celebrating our Eisteddfod together in school tomorrow. Our hall is looking resplendent with all the fantastically creative Welsh themed homework entries – well done to everyone who has take part.

To celebrate St David’s day (Tomorrow – Friday March 1st) your child can come to school dressed in welsh flag colours (red, green or white), in welsh sports clothes or traditional welsh costumes.

There are a number of creative activities taking part over the day in each class to celebrate our Welsh heritage.

Personalised Assessments

Starting next week, we have a three week window where classes from Year 2 – Year 6 will be taking part in their online personalised assessments – these used to be called national tests. We do these assessments twice in the school calendar: once in the Spring and once in the Summer.

For further information, please read Personalised assessments: information for parents and carers – Hwb (

Chocolate Raffle

Following on from our success last year where we raised over £200 for our school fund that supports pupil experiences in our school, we are once again asking for your support.

We are going to draw the winning tickets for our chocolate raffle on the last day of term (March 22nd) and to spread the fun as much as possible we are asking for lots of options for prizes.

On Monday March 11th, we are holding an own clothes day and asking that if at all possible, children bring in a chocolate donation for the chocolate raffle prizes.

Tickets will be £1 each via ParentPay and we will alert you when they are ready to go on sale.

World Book Day Information

World Book day is held on March 7th however as we are already preparing to reflect upon Holy Week and also celebrating St. David’s Day and Eisteddfod we are moving our book day celebrations to the summer term.

The date is to be confirmed but in consideration of the cost of living at the moment, we won’t be requesting any costumes that need to be bought. When we celebrate, the day will be focused on the joy of reading and fun with literacy.

Summer Uniform

Though I fully appreciate the irony of mentioning summer while the weather is still so gloomy, we wanted to make you aware that our pre-loved uniform rails will soon have summer uniform in readiness for next term.

Before you buy anything new, please do a have a look to see the items that we have to offer.

Many thanks go to Mrs Lekkas who organises and prepares the uniform ready for its next home.

Site Update

You may have noticed some changes going on at the back of the school achieved through a number of different grants.

Over February half term we have had the water tower removed. Currently works are in progress to have the paths towards the side of the school redeveloped.

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