Newsletter: October 2023
Key Dates
- 26.10.23 3pm – 4pm Lower School Disco (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) for those who bought tickets via ParentPay.
- 27.10.23 Whole School Flu Immunisation Spray (please ensure you have completed your online permission form if you want your child to receive this)
- 27.10.23 End of Half term.
- 6.11.23 Back to school after half term break
- 7.11.23 and 9.11.23 Parent Consultation Meetings (booking will be LIVE from 8:30 am on 26.10.23)
- 17.11.23 Children in Need
- 5.12.23 2pm Advent Service led by Years 5 and 6. Parents / Carers welcome to attend.
- 8.12.23 2pm A Celebration of Christmas Carols led by Years 3 and 4. Parents / Carers welcome to attend
- 14.12.23 1:45pm Lower School (Years Reception, One and Two) Nativity Performance. Reception parents / carers and Year 1 parents / carers with surnames A-K.
- 15.12.23 1:45pm Lower School (Years Reception, One and Two) Nativity Performance. Year 1 parents / carers with surnames L-Z and Year 2 parents / carers.
- 22.12.23 End of the Autumn term
- 8.1.24 Back to school
- 15.1.24 School Closed to Pupils for Staff Training
Term dates can be found at Term dates | Newport City Council
Parish – School links
We were proud to celebrate the Feast of St. Gabriel with Fr. Stephen and the All Saints Parish in a special Mass that was held in school. This occasion was made even more special by the All Saints Parish presenting our school with a beautiful statue of St. Gabriel. It is now on display in the entrance foyer.
All Saints Parish are celebrating the All Saints feast day on November 1st which falls within half term. To ensure that all the cluster schools are still involved in the celebration, our children have entered a parish art competition focusing on their favourite Saint. We will let you know the results!
First Holy Communion Registration 2023-24
For our baptised Catholic children in Year 3 or higher, the registration for the programme of preparation for receiving the sacrament of Communion (First Holy Communion) is open. The details are on the All Saints Parish website but please be aware that the deadline for registration is midday Wednesday 1st November 2023.
First Holy Communion Registration – All Saints (
If you would like your child to make their First Holy Communion but they have not been baptised in the Catholic Faith, please make contact with the parish office to arrange enrolment on to the RCIC programme. This programme usually runs between January and July
each year with Baptism, First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion being administered in July.
If your child was baptised in an Orthodox Rite or Eastern Rite Catholic Church or within within a Syro-Malabar church there is further information on the website.
Parent Meeting Consultations
The booking system for Parent Meetings will open at 8:30am tomorrow (26.10.23). You will received a text via the school system and also an email from ‘Teachers 2 Parents’ that will contain the link to access the system.
The Parent Meetings are taking place after half term after school in our school hall on the 7th and 9th November.
Pre Loved PE Kit
Our rail of pre loved school uniform is working well – don’t forget to have a look in the foyer if you need to top up your uniform supplies or the next time a growth spurt takes place and the next size up uniform is needed.
We would also like to be able to offer pre loved PE kit uniform to our school community. As your child grows out of their plain black joggers, plain black
hoodies or plain white t-shirts please considering donating those in good condition to us so we can help them find another home.
News from the Friends of St. Gabriel’s
The Friends of St Gabriel’s, supported by school staff, have already hosted one very successful Upper school disco. It was a pleasure to see how much fun our junior children had. The lower school have their infant disco later this week on Thursday.
The AGM for the Friends of St. Gabriel’s
has recently taken place; thank you so much to the new members who came along. If you are interested but couldn’t attend the meeting, please do get in touch with the school office – the offers of help can be as little or as big as you can manage.
Information about Easy Fundraising and also our School Lottery will be sent home via ParentPay email and also a paper copy before half term. Please do think carefully about these options and share them wider with family and friends as it’s a great way to get involved and support our school. ‘
School News
Please make sure that you are logged into your child’s seesaw account to see a few snapshots of learning taking place each week.
For a wider school picture and to share our news, please follow us @stgabsprimary on Twitter (now known as X) where you can see examples of learning, wider school experiences and visitors to our school.
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