Newsletter: November 2023

Key Dates

New dates / details are in bold.

  • 17.11.23 Children in Need (non uniform – please donate to Children in Need via the ParentPay link)
  • 5.12.23 2pm Advent Service led by Years 5 and 6. Parents / Carers welcome to attend.
  • 8.12.23 2pm A Celebration of Christmas Carols led by Years 3 and 4.
  • 11.12.23 Upper School Friends of St. Gabriel’s Christmas Disco (details nearer the time)
  • 14.12.23 1:45pm Lower School (Years Reception, One and Two) Nativity Performance. Reception parents / carers and Year 1 parents / carers with surnames A-K.
  • 15.12.23 1:45pm Lower School (Years Reception, One and Two) Nativity Performance. Year 1 parents / carers with surnames L-Z and Year 2 parents / carers.
  • 18.12.23 Lower School Friends of St. Gabriel’s Christmas Disco (details nearer the time)
  • 22.12.23 End of the Autumn term
  • 8.1.24 Back to school
  • 15.1.24 School Closed to Pupils for Staff Training

Term dates can be found at Term dates | Newport City Council

Parish – School links

Our Parish Carol Service celebrating ‘Nine Lessons and Carols’ is taking place at St. Mary’s Church at 6pm on Monday 18th December. A choir made up of children from each school in the cluster will be leading the singing.

To commemorate the solemnity of All Saints on November 1st, the pictures of

their favourite saint drawn by pupils in St Gabriel’s and our other cluster schools were part of the offertory. It was lovely to see the hard work of our children being celebrated and being part of the special Mass.

Christmas Swap Shop!

With Christmas rapidly approaching, and all the costs associated with it, we are trialling running a Christmas Swap Shop this year – we need your help!

We are asking for donations of pre loved Christmas clothing – Christmas jumpers, t-shirts etc which we can then have on a rail in our foyer, in the same style as our pre-loved school uniform. All sizes


We hope to have this Christmas clothing rail ready for business by Friday 24th November so if you could check for any Christmas clothing that has been outgrown in your house and donate it to the box in the foyer, we would be very grateful.

News from the Friends of St. Gabriel’s

A huge thank to the Friends of St Gabriel’s, our committed PTA, who have undertaken a number of successful fundraising events this term so far.

Given the success of the cake sale last Friday (both lower and upper school’s sales were a sell out!) a greater number will be available when this event takes

place again. Thank you so much to all parents / carers who continually support our school so generously.

In the dates section above, you will see the Friends have organised Christmas discos for lower and upper school.

The discos last term were a pleasure to host with all children enjoying themselves whilst also keeping high standards of behaviour – we were very proud of them.

Thank you to the Friends of St Gabriel’s and our school staff who supported the discos – they couldn’t take place without you.

Starting School: September 2024

If your child is due to start school in September 2024, please be aware that application forms for our Catholic school should be completed and returned directly to us by 9th January 2024 – it is a different system to the Local Authority admissions process.

Applications are available via the school office, can be downloaded from our website or can be emailed out on request.

If you know of anyone with a child who is starting school next September, please do share this information with them.

School News

Please make sure that you are logged into your child’s seesaw account to see a few snapshots of learning taking place each week.

For a wider school picture and to share our news, please follow us @stgabsprimary on Twitter (now known as X) where you can see examples of learning, wider school experiences and visitors to our school.

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