Dear Parent/Guardian,
Farewell (for now)
This week has seen the start of Mrs Sullivan’s maternity leave. She will be sincerely missed but we know she will visit regularly during her time away – she has already been back to visit us for our Ash Wednesday Service! We hope she is making the most of a well deserved rest before the baby arrives.
We officially welcome Miss Morgan as Mrs Sullivan’s maternity cover. She has settled in well to our school family and most children already know her as she has been at our school in different roles for a few weeks now.
Thank You
Many thanks to those parents that were able to attend the ESTYN inspection Parent Meeting on Monday and also those that were able to attend our Ash Wednesday Service. We genuinely appreciate your ongoing support – thank you.
Please be aware:
- Dogs can not be brought onto our school site as per the Local Authority Healthy and Safety requirements. If there are any issues in this area, please let me know immediately.
- Birthday cakes – we fully appreciate that it’s lovely for children to want to share birthday cake with their peers, however, please remember that this is to be done after school, at dismissal time, supported by the collector, so the children can enjoy the treat at home if their parents / guardians wish them to.
- Parking is continuing to cause problems for local residents. Please be considerate when parking at pick up and drop off points. Remember, that if you are obstructing a walk way or drive way, even just for fifteen minutes, this is still enough time to cause disruption to someone else’s day, or even to cause a significant incident.
- PE Kits need to be kept in school as there is significant disruption in the school office given the number of children that are asking for parents to be contacted to bring in forgotten kit. Please also ensure that ALL items of the PE kit is labelled – it is very hard to return lost items to the correct person without the name in the item.
Parent – Child Hwb Sharing Session – KS2
Following the success of the Foundation Phase Hwb ICT session, we are rolling this out to KS2. It will be taking place next Friday afternoon. Please text ‘YES HWB’ if you are able to share this session with your child.
The times of the sessions are as follows:
Class 3 Year 3 and Class 4 1:30 pm – 2:05 pm
Class 5 2:10pm – 2:45pm
Class 6 2:50pm – 3:25pm
Mother’s Day Gifts
The Friends of St. Gabriel’s will be running their traditional Mother’s Day Gifts stall once again this year. The letter will be out next week – watch this space!
World Book Day
Many thanks to the number of parents and children who have shared their enthusiasm for holding a St. Gabriel’s Book Day celebration. This last week we have focused upon the start of the Lenten season and had our special Ash Wednesday Service. We will be celebrating Book Day in St. Gabriel’s on Friday 14th June – save the date in your diaries!
Only half of our classes hit the attendance target this week – come on St. Gabriel’s, we can do it!
Here’s the breakdown:
Class 1 – 92.7% Class 2 – 96.4% Class 3 – 89.7% Class 4 – 96.9% Class 5 – 92.2%
Class 6 – 98.8% Da iawn to Dosbarth 6 for the highest attendance this week.
Congratulations to the following children for achieving 100% attendance in the previous half term:
Class 1
Thalia, Oscar, Abigail, Elizabeth, Iestyn-James, Lucian, Joseph and Lauren.
Class 2
Oscar, Teon, Coen, Harri, Mark, Giuseppe, Oliver-Jay, Jack K, Kornel, Eva, Cezary, Kori and Leo.
Class 3
Ava Mai, Noah, Olly, Seren H, Emme, Ethan, Miley, Seth, Kacper, Filip, Sienna-Rose, Leon, Neveah and Alleta.
Class 4
Kai, Charlie D, Mary, Ffion, Carys, Samuel K, Louis L, Jack, Samuel M, Connor, Mikolaj, Ava, Evie-May and Ruby W
Class 5
Ta-Shay, Jayden, Kayden, Jessica, Jonathan, Ruby, Amelia, Nathaniel, Oliver T, Alexander and Evie Y.
Class 6
Ryan, Kelly, Adam, Dylan, Michael, Mailee, Thomas, Ahmed, Charlie, Maita, Williams, Kita and Paige.
New dates added in bold.
Friday 15th March
- Hwb Parent-Child Sharing Sessions:
Class 3 Year 3 and Class 4 1:30 pm – 2:05 pm
Class 5 2:10 pm – 2:45 pm
Class 6 2:50 pm – 3:25 pm
Thursday 22nd March
- 9:15 am – Class 4 Assembly
Wednesday 27th – Friday 29th March
- Year 5 and Year 6 residential trip
Wednesday 4th April and Thursday 5th April
- Parents’ Evening Consultations
Wednesday 10th April
- Palm Sunday Reflection Class 1 and Class 2
Thursday 11th April
- Maundy Thursday Reflection Class 3 and Class 4
Friday 12th April
- Good Friday Reflection Class 5 and Class 6
Yours sincerely,
Mrs M. Harris
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