Newsletter 26.3.21
Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you to everyone in our school family – it is due to your support that we have had the pleasure of such a smooth reopening of our school for the return of all our pupils.
The next two weeks are the Easter break from school. At this time, all at St. Gabriel’s wish you a happy and holy Easter and we look forward to seeing our pupils back on TUESDAY 13th APRIL.
Breakfast club will be resuming after the Easter break on Tuesday 13th April (Monday 12th April school is closed for a Staff training day). Places have now been allocated and we look forward in being able to support families in this way once more.
Easter Egg Raffle
Thank you so much to all who bought raffle tickets. In these challenging times where interaction is limited, we really appreciate you supporting our school and our focus charity of CAFOD during this Lenten period.
We have raised £373.
P.E. Kit
After Easter we are going to trial pupils arriving at school in their kit on P.E. days to reduce the items that need to be brought into and stored in school.
Reception Dosbarth Coch P.E. day: Friday
Year 1 Dosbarth Cas-Gwent P.E. day: Thursday
Year 2 Dosbarth Rhaglan P.E. day: Friday
Year 3 Dosbarth Cil-y-Coed P.E. day: Tuesday
Year 4 Dosbarth Caerdydd P.E. day: Tuesday
Year 5 Dosbarth Caerffili P.E. day: Wednesday
Year 6 Doscarth Caernarfon P.E. day: Tuesday
The school P.E. kit is:
- White t-shirt
- Black shorts
- Black track suit (for outdoors in colder months)
- Elasticated plimsolls / daps – Foundation Phase
- Trainers – Key Stage 2
Note: for gymnastics and dance – bare feet.
Training Days (School Closed) for the remainder of this school year:
Monday May 10th 2021 This is the final staff training day now allocated
Friday 28th May 2021
Monday 7th June 2021
Monday 19th July 2021
Tuesday 20th July 2021
School Uniform
As we are fully operational once more, a reminder about school uniform:
The school uniform consists of:
Autumn/ Spring term:
- Blue school sweatshirt (can be embroidered with a school logo)
- Light blue school polo shirt
- Full length, dark grey tailored trousers
- Grey knee length skirt or grey pinafore
- Grey or black tights
- White or grey socks
Summer term:
- Blue and white checked summer dress
- Grey knee length shorts or full length dark grey tailored trousers
- Black shoes. Black trainers are allowed but must be totally black.
- All pupils are required to wear sensible black shoes for school.
- High heels are not allowed in the interest of safety.
Jewellery, Hair and Accessories:
- A watch and small stud earrings may be worn but they are the responsibility of the child.
Note: All jewellery must be removed by the child for PE and Games as safety of pupils in physical lessons is paramount.
- Hairstyles are expected to be neat, tidy and sensible
- Long hair must be tied back
- No shaven hairstyles
- Make-up, nail varnish and tattoos are not to be worn
- Summer hats may be worn outdoors
Friends of St. Gabriel’s
Join our school lottery – there is a prize for someone in our school community that takes part each week.
Another way to support our school is to raise FREE donations for Friends of St Gabriel’s EVERY time you shop online using @easyuk. Over 4,000 shops and sites will donate including all the big names like eBay, Argos, ASOS, Expedia, M&S, Just Eat, Uswitch and many more!
Spring term ends: Friday March 26th 2021
Summer term begins: Tuesday 13th April 2021 (as Monday we are closed for Staff training)
Summer half term: Monday 31st May to Friday 4th June 2021
Summer second half term begins: Tuesday 8th June (as Monday we are closed for Staff training)
End of Summer term: Friday 16th July 2021 (as Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th is Staff training)
For the term dates for the next two years please follow this link:
Reminder: Symptom Awareness
Please do not send your child to school if they have any of the following symptoms:
- A new and continuous cough
- A high temperature
- Loss of taste or smell
If any of these symptoms occur please book a Covid-19 test as soon as is possible and communicate the result to us via school text service or school email (day or night) as soon as you receive it.
If your child is not in school, for whatever reason, please do text, email or phone us with the reason as soon as possible on the day of absence, as this is part of the records we need to keep in these COVID times in addition to our normal safeguarding procedures.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs M Harris
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