Dear Parents / Carers,


Chaplaincy Group

Our Chaplaincy group are ever developing – they have spent some time with Sister Miriam, learning how to pray the rosary. It will be exciting when they feel confident enough to share this lovely prayer experience with their classmates.


Our Chaplaincy group also launched ‘Mission Day’ across our whole school today. We started with them leading a lovely assembly focusing upon our mission statement. All activities across the school today have had the theme’ striving to be the best we can be.’ Check out twitter @StGabsPrimary for images of what has been going on!


Coffee and Catch Up – Update

Many thanks to the parents that were able to attend our ‘Coffee and Catch Up’ session last Friday afternoon. Our focus was arrangements for Sports Day. Following feedback from parents, it has been decided to trial a different system this year.

Sports Day will still take place on the afternoon of Friday 7th June (weather permitting) though it will be split across the phases with the first hour for Foundation Phase and the second hour for KS2. The aim is to have a much quicker turnaround so pupils have less time waiting and more time being active!


Proposal to Change the School Session times

Governors have now discussed the feedback provided on the proposal to change the school session times. Please see the separate communication linked to this.


School Parish Links

From Class 3 up, we rotate going to church each Thursday. This week Class 4 attended and following Mass they asked Father Daniel some very good questions that they had written linked to their class RE topic of Pentecost. Many thanks to Father Daniel for his time and his detailed answers.


Summer Weather

As the weather is getting hotter, please ensure that your child has a water bottle, labelled with their name, in school. Also, a sun hat would be beneficial for outdoor play, especially on particularly sunny days. On days when the sun is strong, please also ensure that your child has sun cream on before they come to school.



It’s lovely to see the children in their summer uniform. However, as we have transitioned into the summer uniform we are noticing some slips… Please could parents ensure that hair accessories are sensible for school and are of an appropriate size.




Dates for the Summer Term (new dates in bold)


Friday 24th May

Whole School Mission Day ‘Striving to be our Best’


Monday 27th May – Friday 31st May

No School – May Half Term Break


Friday 7th June

Sports Day (weather dependent). This will take place in the afternoon. Foundation Phase 1:00pm to 2:00pm and Key Stage 2 2:15pm to 3:15pm


Sunday 9th June

10 am: First Holy Communion taking place in St. Gabriel’s Church for a number of our pupils who have been preparing for this special occasion for the last few months


Monday 10th June

Wear red, yellow or orange to celebrate Pentecost, the birthday of the Church


Friday 14th June

St. Gabriel’s celebrate ‘Book Day’


Saturday 15th June

Country Dancing club taking part in the Newport Festival


Tuesday 18th June

St Gabriel’s Grandparents’ Day – range of activities led by our Chaplaincy group. More details to follow


Friday 21st June

Reserve Sports Day


Monday 24th June

New Parents’ Meeting for Reception Intake September 2019


Thursday 4th July and Friday 5th July

Move up days for whole school

Year 6 at St. Joseph’s High School


Thursday 11th July

Archdiocese Leavers’ Mass at St. Mary’s Church, Newport (Year 6 pupils)


Friday 12th July

Summer Fayre led by the Friends of St. Gabriel’s


Thursday 18th July

9:15 am: Class 6 Assembly


Friday 19th July

End of term – school finishes at the normal time


Yours sincerely,

Mrs M Harris


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