Dear Parent/Guardian,
Midday Supervisor Vacancy
After many years working with us as a Midday Supervisor, Mrs Sharon Thomas has decided to retire at the end of this term and spend more time with her family. Mrs Thomas has made a great contribution to the life of St Gabriel’s since her time with us and she will be joining us soon at a special assembly to mark her retirement.
As a result of her retirement, we have a temporary vacancy for a Midday Supervisor to start after Easter until the end of the Summer term. Applications are invited from parents, friends or family who may be interested and further details including the Job Description, are available from Mrs Harper, Mrs Harris or myself. Applications must be returned to the school by Tuesday 27th March.
Communication and Website
Thank you for your responses on the questionnaires last week. They were extremely helpful. Mrs Harris and I have been working with a web designer who is rebuilding our website and so your comments were very helpful.
We had one comment from a parent concerning wi-fi worries which either Mrs Harris or I would be happy to talk to you about if you would like to.
A photographer will be joining us on Tuesday morning to take some pictures to be used in our website gallery.
Easter Raffle
As in previous years, we will be holding an Easter Raffle in the last week of term and so we invite any donations of eggs of all sizes that can be used in our raffle. The draw will take place on Thursday 29th March. Tickets will go on sale on Wednesday 21st March and pupils can buy them in their classes for 20p a ticket or £1 for a strip.
End of Term
Since sending out the Diary Dates sheet, I have subsequently found out that, traditionally, the Easter term at St Gabriel’s ends at 2.00pm. Therefore, the Easter Assembly about The Stations of the Cross will take place at the earlier time of 1.15pm. Apologies if this has caused you any inconvenience.
If you have any comments or suggestions about this arrangement for the future, please let me know.
Attendance Class 1 |
Class 2 |
Class 3 |
Class 4 |
Class 5 |
95.3% |
93.1% |
94.3% |
91.8% |
97% |
Class 5 had the highest attendance last week but also well done to Class 1, who despite a bout of chicken pox, have managed to be above our target of 95%.
As a school, our overall attendance was 94.3%, meaning we just missed our school target.
School Lottery
Our winner this week was Clare – congratulations. Remember, the more people that sign up, the bigger the prize is. You can join at:
Finally, congratulations to Mrs Harris, who has been successful in obtaining the National Professional Qualification in Headship (NPQH)!
Yours sincerely,
H Vaughan
Executive Headteacher
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