Newsletter 14.2.20
Dear Parents / Carers,
Home – School – Parish Links
Father Michael has informed us that this on Sunday 24th February, at St. Mary’s Church, Stow Hill, there will be a period of guided Adoration for Children.
The hour will take part on the Sunday afternoon at 4pm and will be led by a team of parents from the parish of St. John’s, Bath.
It will introduce the children to the concept of Eucharistic Adoration. All Saints Parish then has the hope that in a few months’ time they can establish a regular one hour weekly slot of Children’s Adoration for the city of Newport.
A poster advertising this event with further details has been sent to ParentPay accounts.
Feedback from ‘Coffee and Catch Up’ Parent Forum
Many thanks to all who were able to attend the ‘Coffee and Catch Up’ session last week. We really appreciated the open dialogue and feedback provided linked to the trial of providing a sandwich option as part of our school meal provision. We are pleased to say that following the trial and the very positive feedback, we will be continuing the sandwich provision going forward.
Also, many thanks to the parents that made us aware of the space challenges outside our Year 2 classroom at the end of the day.
As a follow up action, after half term (starting Monday 24th February) we will trial Year 2 Dosbarth Rhaglan dismissal from the hall door at the normal time for a week – after which we will review. If you have any feedback during this time, please do either let the class teachers know or text / email the school.
Friends of St Gabriel’s
As a school we would like to thank all the Friends of St. Gabriel’s volunteers that supported and organised the magician show. We are pleased to tell you that £400 was raised – this is going towards our continuing upgrades to our dining hall tables.
Dosbarth Caerdydd’s Assembly
A big well done to Year 4 who shared a key message about Fair Trade in their class assembly this week. Thank you to all the parents, wider family and governors that were able to attend.
We have had several communications from local residents recently linked to parking issues at school pick up times. When parking at these peak times, please have consideration for the local residents.
Our strong attendance figures in this Spring term continue as a whole school. Da iawn St. Gabriel’s. Here are the figures for each class:
Dosbarth Coch: 98.7%
Dosbarth Cas-Gwent: 93.5%
Dosbarth Rhaglan: 97.4%
Dosbarth Cil-y-Coed: 91.4%
Dosbarth Caerdydd: 98.6%
Dosbarth Caerffili: 91.6%
Dosbarth Caernarfon: 93.8%
Dates for the Spring Term 2020 (New dates as the term progresses will be added in bold italics)
Wednesday 26th February
10 am: Whole School Mass in Church for Ash Wednesday – led by Dosbarth Caernarfon
Thursday 5th March
9:15 am: Dosbarth Rhaglan Class Assembly – parents and family of Year 2 welcome to attend.
Friday 20th March
Friends of St Gabriel’s Mother’s Day Gifts (details about payment to follow nearer the time)
Wednesday 1st April
1:45pm Palm Sunday reflection led by Foundation Phase – parents of Foundation Phase pupils welcome to attend
Thursday 2nd April
1:45pm Maundy Thursday reflection led by Years 3 and 4 – parents of Year 3 & 4 pupils welcome to attend
Friday 3rd April
1:45pm Good Friday reflection led by Years 5 and 6 – parents of Year 5 and 6 pupils welcome to attend.
Term Dates for this Year
Spring term: 6th January to 3rd April 2020
Spring Half term: 17th February to 21st February 2020
Easter Holidays: Monday 6th April to Friday 17th April 2020
Summer term: 20th April to 17th July 2020
Summer Half term: 25th May to 29th May 2020
INSET days for this Year
Monday 2nd September 2019
Monday 9th September 2019
Monday 21st October 2019
Friday 12th June 2020
Monday 20th July 2020
Please note that Welsh Government have allocated one additional INSET staff training day for the Summer term to prepare for the new curriculum. The date will be determined shortly.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs M. Harris
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