ESTYN Report Information

We are very pleased to be able to share with you the report from our recent ESTYN inspection.


These were the grades awarded across the five Inspection Areas.


Standards – GOOD

Wellbeing and attitudes to learning – GOOD

Teaching and Learning experiences – GOOD

Care, support and guidance – GOOD

Leadership and management – GOOD


The full report is available through this link:


The summary of the report is as follows:


The Headteacher, staff and governors work well as a team and ensure that the school provides very helpful, individual support for pupils and their families. There is a caring and supportive ethos in which all pupils feel safe and valued. Most pupils behave well and are polite and welcoming to visitors.

Many pupils make good progress in their learning as they move through the school. Most pupils have positive attitudes to learning and they persevere well in lessons. Staff create a calm environment where pupils are respectful to adults and each other. Teachers provide a wide range of rich learning experiences than engage pupils well. A particular strength is the work of the school to develop pupils’ creative skills.

The headteacher provides effective, purposeful leadership.  Senior leaders have a clear vision for school improvement and they share this successfully will all members of staff. A culture of improvement permeates the school and an exceptional feature is the emphasis on developing staff at all levels.


We were given the following recommendations:


Recommendation 1: Address the safety issue identified during the inspection

The inspection team felt that the water tower needed review. Newport NORSE have reinforced all panels to future proof against any possible issue. As a result, this recommendation has already been FULLY MET. No further action required


Recommendation 2: Improve pupils’ Welsh Language skills

This was already identified by school as an area for development. We have begun work this year and will be continuing as part of our school development plan.


Recommendation 3: Provide more opportunities for pupils to work independently and to take greater responsibility for their learning, especially in Key Stage 2.

With the move towards the new curriculum for Wales, this is an area we are excited about developing in our school


We are really proud of our school – made up of our wonderful pupils, supported by our committed staff and led by our dedicated Governors. Thank you all!

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