Dosbarth Rhaglan: Blended Learning 18.01.21
Everyday activities
Giglets – Use your logins to read through books we have assigned and activities we have set.
Spelling Shed – Use your logins and enjoy some fun spelling games.
- Practise using money at home e.g. counting different amounts, using 2p coins to practise counting in 2s, finding different ways of making 20p, giving change from 20p.
- Play ‘Hit the button’ on Top Marks:
- Practise findings the answers to the 5x and 10x times tables.
- ictgames || html5 Home Page Have a play of some of the maths games available on this site.
Weekly Focus learning
Language Literacy Communication:
- Reading and replying to letters about our ‘World in Danger’
- Replying to Tweets from the author
- Boxing up the language of a letter and innovating our own letter
- Write a letter describing yourself and your likes/dislikes to Miss Dando
Mathematical Development:
- Counting up and down in 2s, 5s and 10s
- Adding ten to different numbers
- Problem solving using the story
‘One is a snail Ten is a crab’
- Practising the 10 and 5 times table and knowing that the 5x tables if half of the 10x tables.
- Using what we know e.g. if 6 + 4 = 10 then 6 + 14 = 20
- Exploring finding halves and quarters in practical situations e.g. with shapes, objects
Religious Education
- Explore how our school Values and Virtues ‘Grateful and Generous’ can influence our lives. How can you be generous, not just with your possessions but with our words, acts of kindness and love? Talk to a grown up about this more.
- Local Church – Exploring different important books and why they are important to us. We will also be retelling stories in the Bible and linking them to our Values and Virtues
Science – Materials
- We will continue to look at properties of materials e.g. waterproof, hard, soft, strong, stretchy, smooth.
- Why are different materials chosen to be used to make different objects around our home?
Creative Arts
- Children will be exploring how to mix, shape, arrange and combine materials to create your own images and objects that communicate and express their ideas, feelings and memories creatively (nature photo frames that capture the world around us based on Andy Goldsworthy)
- Children will be practising to repeat accurately sequences of gym actions on the floor (Jungle exercises-hopping, skipping etc.
- Ask and answer simple questions (Beth wyt ti’n hoffi wneud? Beth dwyt ti ddim yn hoffi? Act out answers using actions )
Extend the learning
Explore some of the materials in your recycling pile this week. How can you reuse it? Last week you had some amazing ideas of turning ‘rubbish’ into something useful or beautiful for your home. Have a go! Here’s a few ideas to get you started:
Creative Arts – Art
Draw a realistic bee (
Creative Arts – PE
Create a waggle dance as a bee (watch why bees dance to communicate create your own bee dance to Flight of the Bumblebee by Rimsky-
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