Dosbarth Coch: Blended Learning 25.01.21


Daily Activities


Weekly Focus Learning


Continue to learn the story ‘The Runaway Train’.

WALT: Sequence the story.

  • Sequence the pictures and use them to retell the story
  • Draw the story map.


WALT: Recognise number bonds to 10.

  • Learn the story of the Number Bond Olympics.
  • Write the number bonds to 10 number sentences e.g 1+9=.


This week in RE, we are continuing to focus on the local church and celebrating.

WALT: Write sentences about what you can see in church.

  • Complete the sentence ‘In church I can see…’.
  • Take time to reflect on what we have learnt about church celebrations.


WALT: Design a moving vehicle.

  • Draw your vehicle design and label.

Create a pictogram of your families favourite colour in welsh.


Extended learning

  • Draw or paint your favourite place to travel to and explain why it is you favourite place.
  • Find different types of transport toys/toys that can move and sort them into groups, e.g. car, pram, doll, bike.
  • See how many different ways you can travel, for example, go for a walk, a bike ride, a run or scoot. What can you see on your travels?

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