Dosbarth Coch: Blended Learning 22/01/22
Daily Activities
- Practise Jolly Phonics sounds
- Begin to write CVC words e.g cat, dog, sat, sun.
- Practise CVC spellings on
- To log on to and explore the books assigned.
- Recognise numbers to 20
- Practise number formation to 20.
- Counting in 10s to 100, forwards and backwards.
- Find all the different ways to make 10.
Weekly Focus Learning
Literacy – Poetry – ‘Yellow Daffodil’
WALT: Retell the poem using actions.
- Oracy – record the retell of the poem using actions.
- Describe a daffodil.
WALT: Measure length using direct comparison.
- Ordering transport from the shortest to the longest.
- Measuring which aeroplane flew the furthest.
This week in RE, we are continuing with our topic ‘Eucharist, Relating’
WALT: Recognise the signs and symbols of Mass.
- Draw and label the signs and symbols of Mass.
- Reflect on what we have learnt during this topic through a collective worship session.
WALT: Program a controllable toy to move forward one step at a time.
- Control the Beebot robots to move in different directions.
WALT: Understand how sound travels.
- Experiment with different objects and the sounds that they make. Explore short sounds and long sounds, loud sounds and quiet sounds.
Extended learning
- Go on a nature walk and find some sticks, leaves, stones. Put them in order of shortest to longest.
- Explore the J2code app on Hwb, J2e, J2code
- Try the ‘Sounds of Science’ experiments found on this link:
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