Dosbarth Cil-y-Coed: Blended Learning 25.01.21


Task 1: Reading

Giglets – Read the books I have set for you. Complete the HOTS and Reading Test tasks

Task 2: Spelling

Go onto ‘Spelling Shed’ and practise the spellings set for you.

Task 3: Mental Maths

Play ‘Hit the Button’ on the Top Marks website: Also practise your 2s,3s, 4s 5s and 10 times tables Practise your mental maths test target ready for Practise the homophones – their , there and they’re – find out their meaning and use them in complete
sentences.Friday’s test.



We will be exploring multiplication using arrays and repeated addition to refresh our visual skills. We will be recognising the commutative rules of multiplication be calculated in any order but division cannot. We will explore this through creating number families using the same rules as addition and subtraction.


I will be continuing to read The Boy who Grew Dragons and will be setting questions to respond to the text. Continue to explore your favourite books about dragons or mythical creatures and record yourself reading them on Seesaw. It is National Story Telling Week this week!
We will be looking at features of letter writing in a formal way, from our cold write we will be building on skills and write a final piece based on The Paper Bag Princess.


We will continue to explore how the Values and Virtues Grateful and Generous can continue to influence our lives. We will look at the journey we have through the year such as birthdays, holidays, term dates, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and how these are celebrated. We will also look at the liturgical year and how it shapes the Church Family. We will look at feast celebrations, Sundays and special seasons.


We will be asking and answering questions using a welsh word mat and you can teach your grown ups some phrases! We will be listening and responding to welsh stories using simple phrases. Perhaps you can record yourself and your family?


Task 1: Science

We will be researching topic words relating to rocks such as Igneous, Metamorphic and sedimentary and their explanations.

Task 2: Well – Being

It has been a while since we were all together in school so we will be looking at ways of enjoying what makes us happy and what we can do to help others. Be kind to yourself and spend time with your family doing activities you enjoy. Make a call to a friend to see if they are ok. We will be sending messages to each other in class via Seesaw.

Task 3: Art

Choose a scene from Tangled, Shrek or another favourite fantasy film and create the image choosing media of your choice. Can you create an animation? You can create masks and act it out with your family.

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