Dosbarth Caerdydd: Blended Learning 22/02/21
Daily Activities
Task 1 – Reading and Comprehension
Daily Reading
Read daily at home with an adult. Keep record the books that you read. Maybe you would like to upload a video of you reading a chapter of your book onto Seesaw.
You have a selection of books to read in your library. Have a go at answering the questions based on these texts.
Task 2 – Spelling
Spelling Shed
You have allocated lists to learn and games to play. How many points can you score?
Task 3 – Mathematics
Maths Targets
Practice your times tables and related facts at home. You might want to use the website Top Marks Maths to help you.
You could also write the product of multiplication on post it notes. Ask a grown up or someone at home to shout out the matching multiplication sum. You could ‘splat’ these with a ruler ! If you want to make it more active take the game outside! You could use a ball to shoot at the answers.
Our learning focus
Task 1 – Mathematics
- We will estimate the weight of objects in grams. Understanding that there are 1000g in 1kg.
- We will be using weighing scales with divisions to weigh objects to the nearest 5g, 10g, 25g or 100g.
We will know fraction and decimals equivalences for tenths e.g. 0.2 = 2 tenths, 0.6 = 6/10
Partition 1-place decimals in the context of measures using place value cards e.g. 6.4 kg.
We will revisit positioning, comparing and rounding 1-place decimals beyond 10 using a number line.
We will Multiply and divide numbers by 10 and 100
e.g.1650kg ÷ 100, 24.4 x 100
4190 ÷ 100, £24.99 x 100
Task 2 – Literacy
- Our new genre will be ‘Short Historical Stories.’ We will be starting to read a new book called ‘The Queen’s Token’ which is based in the Tudor period.
- We will investigate opening paragraphs of a story. We will reading examples and sort-ing them into categories i.e action, dia-logue, name etc.
- We will be finding language features and historical clues.
- We will plan our own opening paragraph for a story about a Tudor.
Task 3: Science and Technology
We will be learning about sound. We will go on a sound walk and document all the different sounds that we can hear.
Task 4: Humanities
We will be learning about Tudor dances.
We will be looking at artefacts from the Tudor period. We will be sharing ideas and researching information about these.
Task 5: Welsh
We will be learning about animals in welsh. We will be describing an animal orally and in writing.
Task 6: RE
We will be continuing with our current topic ‘Giving and Receiving.’ We will be discussing the importance of saying ‘sorry’ and ‘confessing’, especially at the beginning of Mass. We will think about the times we might need to say sorry in our daily lives.
Task 1 –Languages, Literacy and Communication.
Research and write a non-chronological report on an aspect of the Tudors that interests you. This could include:
- Food
- Sports
- Towns
Task 2 –Health and Wellbeing
Complete a breathing exercise:
Task 3 – Science and Technology
Research instruments and music from the Tudor period. Make a PowerPoint about the information that you find.
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