Dosbarth Caerdydd: Blended Learning 18.01.21


Daily Activities

 Task 1 – Reading and Comprehension

 Daily  Reading

Read daily at home with an adult. Keep record the books that you read. Maybe you would like to upload a video of you reading a chapter of your book onto Seesaw.


You have a selection of books to read in your library. Have a go at answering the questions based on these texts.

Task 2 – Spelling

 Spelling Shed

You have allocated lists to learn and games to play. How many points can you score?

Task 3 – Mathematics

 Maths Targets

Practice your times tables and related facts at home. You might want to use the website Top Marks Maths to help you.

You could also write the product of multiplication on post it notes. Ask a grown up or someone at home to shout out the matching multiplication sum. You could ‘splat’ these with a ruler ! If you want to make it more active take the game outside! You could use a ball to shoot at the answers.


Our learning focus

Task 1 – Mathematics

  • We will be understanding the place value of decimal numbers.
  1. We will be writing decimals shown on a bar model. We will be understanding that a tenth is ten times smaller than a unit
  2. We will be partitioning 1 place decimals and writing these as an addition sentence.
  3. We will be understanding the place value of each digit in a decimal number. E.g What does the 1 stand for in 3.1?
  4. We will be using a bead bar to show the connection between units and tenths. E.g 100 tenths = 10 units.
  5. We will be ordering and placing numbers on a number line.

Task 2 – Literacy

  • We will be continuing to read the book the Iron man by Ted Hughes. We will be reading the third and forth chapter.
  1. We will plan and write our final draft of a newspaper.
  2. We will look at samples of play scripts and write our own as a ‘cold’task’
  3. We will complete a body biography sheet to discuss what the astronomers might have been thinking, feeling, dreaming about or saying when the Angel-Bat Dragon came from space.
  4. We will be identifying the features of a play script.

Task 3: Science and Technology

  1. We will be talking about litter and our environment. We will estimate and research the time it takes for materials to decompose. i.e plastic, banana skins and tins.

Task 4: Welsh

  1. We will be telling the time in welsh. We will be telling the time to the quarter past, half past and quarter to the hour.

Task 5 – RE

  1. We will continue with our RE Topic will be ‘Community.’ We will be thinking about our Parish community.
  2. We will read St Paul’s letter to the Romans 12:8-11 and illustrate through text and images how you would live this out in your daily life.


Extended learning

Task 1 – Expressive Arts

  • Draw an image of space. You can use any of the materials you have at home. Remember to include each of the planets.

Task 2 –Health and Wellbeing 

Have a go at space yoga with cosmic kids!

Go on a walk with an adult. How many different things can you spot? Write them down. You might want to take some photos of what you see on your walk. Maybe you can spot some first signs of Spring. 

Task 3 – Science and Technology

Create a poster for your home about the importance of recycling.

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