Blended Learning Menu: Dosbarth Cil-y-Coed | Weeks 12 & 13


Task 1: Reading

  • Read your Home Reading book. Talk about and answer the following questions with your grown-up:
  • Can you write sentences that describe your character using similes and metaphors?
  • Can you add a character to your story? What would be their role?
  • Can you change the plot of the story and tell your grown-up? Perhaps drawing a story map will help.
  • Giglets – Read the books I have set for you. Complete the HOTS and Reading Test tasks.

Task 2: Spelling
Go onto ‘Spelling Shed’ and practise the spellings set for you.

Task 3: Mental Maths
Play ‘Hit the Button’ on the Top Marks website:
Also practise your 2s,3s, 5s and 10 times tables Practise your mental maths test target ready for Friday’s test.



We will be exploring checking answers to addition using subtraction and checking subtraction using addition. You can explore number families and upload them to seesaw.
We will be calculating the area of simple shapes by counting squares. We will also be looking at calculating area by multiplying the length of a simple shape by the width. This is quite a challenge and we need to practice our times tables for this.

We have explored perimeter of shapes and will be looking at independently measuring larger objects such as tables, books and other objects using a tape measure to measure accurately.
We will continue to multiply a teens number by 2, 3, 4 and 5 by using grid method.

We will be reading our class book, The Secret of Black Rock. I have loved your responses so far. We will be creating a story map and explore changing the plot of the story. We will be using all the adjectives and descriptive sentences to make our writing even more interesting. Do you have a favourite story? Can you read your story and upload you reading it to Seesaw. Try writing the story in your own words and change the plot or add a different character. How will your story change? A story map with help you plan. We will be checking our spellings of High Frequency Words so please practise them at home. Make them create! Use different colours.

We will continue to explore how the Values and Virtues Intentional and Prophetic continue to influence our lives. Talk to your grown up about being intentional in life. We will be looking at the importance of welcoming visitors and being a good host. We will also begin to prepare for Advent.


Task 1: Science
We will be exploring sinking and floating using a variety of materials so we can make a ship that will float. Can you explore using a variety of recycling materials to see which would be suitable for making a ship. Can you draw a model of your ship and what materials you used. Why were they suitable to use? What materials did not work? Can you explain why? You can either write your responses or record and upload to Seesaw. What science words can you use?

Task 2: Project
We will be continuing to explore the oceans of the world and its creatures. Have you ever visited an ocean on holiday? What country did you visit or is there an ocean you would like to visit? Can you explain why and what would you find there? Is there anything you would like to change? How could you make a difference? You can present your work using your own ideas. Perhaps a powerpoint, a poster or a factifle.
We have really enjoyed looking at The Blue Planet and we will continue to explore down in the deep. We will be looking at how different creatures feed and the variety of food chains in the oceans. We will also make comparisons to different oceans.
Can you create a poster describing your favourite creature and explain how the feed and live in the ocean. Use lots of facts and pictures. Don’t forget to label them. Be as creative as possible.

Task 3: Art
Choose a scene from the Coral Reef and create a picture using your choice of media such as paints, pencils, collage, ICT. I will put some examples on Seesaw.

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