Blended Learning Menu – Dosbarth Caerffili | Weeks 12 & 13

Task 1 – Reading and Comprehension

Daily  Reading
Sign in Record Book

You have been allocated a selection of books to read.

Task 2 – Spelling

Spelling Shed
You have allocated lists to learn and games to play. How many points can you score?

Task 3 – Mathematics

Practice your 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 times tables

Top Mark

Select one of the options to play.



The focus in English will be poetry focusing on the great classic ‘Tyger Tyger’ by William Blake. Children will be writing their own poetry and performing in small groups.

In maths the focus is now addition and subtraction (including money) using the jumping and compact method. Children will also be solving word problems.

We have now started our final Topic for this term Advent and Hope. Children will be learning about the key symbols during Advent such as the Jesse Tree, Advent Wreath and Advent Promises.

In Design Technology children will be making planes using a variety of materials and making techniques. This is the final task before the completion of the Topic on Friday 4th December when we will celebrate with an ‘Inventors Day’. Children will dress up as an Inventor or Invention and take part in fun activities for the day.




Task 1 – Art
Wassily Kandinsky invented Expressionism. A form of Art which showed feelings and movement through the use of shape and colour. Listen to a piece of music and create your own Kandinsky style painting. Use colours and shapes which reflect the mood and pace of the music.

Task 2 – RE
Gather natural materials and make an advent wreath. Photograph and upload to SeeSaw.


Task 3 – Literacy, Expressive Arts & History
Watch BBC Bitesize True Stories–ks2-true-stories/z72wpg8
Create a rap or performance about the life and works of a Significant person in History.

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