Blended Learning: Dosbarth Coch 04/01/21


Daily Activities

  • Practise Jolly Phonics sounds

  • Begin to write CVC words e.g cat, dog, sat, sun.
  • Practise CVC spellings on 
  • To log on to and explore the books assigned.
  • Recognise numbers to 20

  • Practise number formation to 20.
  • Counting in 1s to 20/30 starting from different numbers e.g 7, 8, 9 or 13, 14, 15.


Weekly Focus Learning


  • Over the next few weeks our literacy focus is a poem called ‘We Go’. We will be learning this poem using actions to help us.


  • This fortnight in maths we are continuing to focus on money. Recognising coins to 10p/20p and paying for items up to 10p using either 1p coins or different coins.


  • This fortnight in RE, we are focusing on the local church and celebrating. We will be thinking about what type of celebrations we have in church and the different signs and symbols we have for each one.


  • Our new project is called ‘On The Move’. We will be looking different types of transport, which transport we use most often and why.


Extended learning

  • Practise retelling the poem ‘We Go’ make up actions to help you remember the words.
  • Ask a grown up if you can sort the coins in their purse/wallet.
    What coins do you recognise? How many pennies is each coin worth? Can you order them from the smaller value to the biggest value?
  • Talk to your grown up about the different types of celebrations we have in church e.g Baptism, Advent. Draw some of the signs and symbols that we use during the celebrations.
  • Think about which type of transport you use most often. Draw a picture of the type of transport and write/record why you use it the most.

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