Newsletter 3.3.22
Please do accept my apologies for the delay in this newsletter and therefore also, the delay in the information it contains – it was planned to be shared on Friday 18th February (before half term) but communication was delayed due to Storm Eunice and the associated red weather warning resulting in school closure.
Dates to be aware of:
4.3.22 Our School Eisteddfod – Welsh themed clothes: traditional, sporting or welsh flag colours
14.3.22 SCHOOL CLOSED for day in Lieu of Jubilee Bank Holiday that falls in School’s May Half Term.
28.3.22 School closed to pupils for staff training
9.5.22 St Gabriel’s celebrates Book Day – see information later in newsletter
Tesco Community Support
Our thanks go to Tesco and our Community Champion Danielle Powell for the lovely prizes that have been provided for our Eisteddfod competitions that are taking place this week. Judging is underway in a number of categories across all classes and we look forward to sharing and celebrating the fantastic efforts that have gone on through twitter and seesaw next week.
Risk Level in Newport Schools moved from ‘Very High’ to ‘Moderate’
Gwent Incident Management team have made the decision to move from the ‘very high’ risk level of the schools’ framework down to ‘moderate’ level.
For our school, this means we continue to employ a range of procedures to mitigate risk. These include physical distancing to reduce close interaction at a practical level and face coverings being worn by staff and visitors in all communal areas and corridors.
Book Day Celebrations – Monday May 9th
Although today is ‘World Book Day’ as we already have our Welsh week containing St David’s Day and culminating with the Eisteddfod celebration tomorrow and Ash Wednesday marking the start of our Lenten journey, we felt that it was too much to celebrate Book Day also within this week. Therefore we are having our own St Gabriel’s Book Day on Monday 9th May. We want the focus of Book Day to be about sharing the joy that books bring and therefore we will be running the day with the theme of ‘Bedtime Stories’ and pupils will have the option to dress up in their pyjamas should they wish.
Ash Wednesday Mass
Though we are still operating within the restrictions recommended by the Covid Schools Framework, we still managed to celebrate Ash Wednesday Mass as a school by tuning into the live stream of the All Saints Parish Mass. Thank you to Father Michael for making it special for the children in our school.
PE Kit
Following our letter reminding about the important of having the appropriate clothing / colours for school uniform PE kit, we thank you for the significant improvement in this area. If you have any issues in obtaining the school uniform PE kit please do let us know so we can help where possible.
Reminders and Information from Previous Newsletters:
Planned Training Days
Monday 28th March 2022
School Lottery
The reality of getting closer to holding school based funding raising events in these times is still challenging. However, if you or a family member or even family friends, are looking for a way to support our school, then the St. Gabriel’s School lottery is an easy way to do so! Once it is set up, it can run each month if you choose the direct debit option. There is a prize for the people that are part of our lottery each month and the more people that participate the bigger the prize!
Thank you for supporting us as we returned to normal school start and end of day procedures as directed by the Welsh Government.
Breakfast club (for those who have places) arrival begins at 8:15. Last entry at 8:35 am.
Gates open for school day between 8:45 and 8:55am. Your child should be through the gate by 8:55am.
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 end the school day at 3:05 pm
Year 3 end the school day at 3:10pm. Pick up on the yard.
Year 4 end the school day at 3:15pm. Pick up on the yard.
Year 5 and Year 6 end the school day at 3:15pm and exit through the hall doors.
Current COVID Guidance to Schools from Welsh Government:
Anyone with symptoms (excluding the under 5s – see above) – a new continuous cough, fever or high temperature or loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste – should book a PCR test and remain in self-isolation until the test result is known. You can find the latest information on self-isolation arrangements at‑isolation.
Those who are under 18 or fully vaccinated are no longer required to self-isolate if they are identified as close contacts. But they will be contacted to let them know that they’ve been in close contact with someone who has tested positive. They will also be offered two PCR tests and provided with information and advice on how to minimise the risks of onward spread. If your child is identified as a close contact, they can still attend school unless they develop symptoms or are advised otherwise by TTP. Please continue to let us know if your child tests positive.
If a child tests positive, only a minority of their classmates will be identified as close contacts. But if there is a pattern of cases TTP may ask us to update you on the situation and remind you of key steps, including advising you to keep an eye out for new symptoms your child may develop, and to stay away from vulnerable family and friends in the short-term.
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