Newsletter 21.5.21
Dear Parents and Carers,
Don’t forget: School is closed to pupils next Friday 28th May for staff training.
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th May – Parent Consultation Meetings
Friday 28th May – School Closed: Staff training
Monday 7th June – School Closed: Staff training
Monday 19th July- School Closed: Staff training
Tuesday 20th July – School Closed: Staff training
Mental Health Awareness Fundraising
As we said last week, thank you for your generosity in fundraising for this important cause. £203 was raised in total.
Election of a Parent Governor: Deadline for submission 3pm TODAY (Friday 21st May)
In June our Parent Governor’s term of office reaches an end and therefore, if you wish, complete a nomination form to enable you to put your name forward for election.
Each nominee is invited to make a brief statement in support of their nomination which will be circulated to Parents in the event of an election. Please ensure any statement is clearly written to avoid problems when being reproduced or complete your statement by following this link:
A separate communication that fully explains the role of the Parent Governor was resent yesterday.
The Feast of Mary, Mother of the Church – Monday 24th May
All Saints Parish have encouraged a Rosary Day of Prayer to pray for our beloved Young People – to pray and intercede for the Mission and Intentions of our schools, youth associations, groups/Projects, our young people and for families.
As a school we will be praying a decade of the rosary across each class as part of our Collective Worship on Monday morning.
Wet Weather
The weather is very unpredictable at the moment, with the forecast showing the likelihood of sudden rain. Please can all children come to school with a raincoat.
Outreach Play Sessions During May Half Term
Newport City Council Play Development Team are planning to deliver some outreach Play sessions during May Half Term. These sessions will be delivered outdoors in open spaces for just under two hours.
Previously these have been open access provision where children are able to turn up and join in on the day, however due to Covid restrictions they require children to be booked on before attending the session so they are able to monitor numbers and for track and trace purposes.
To book a place please follow the link below:
Parent Consultations
Links were sent out to book a phone consultation with your child’s class teacher. If you have not seen this message, please check your texts from school.
Training Days (School Closed) for the remainder of this school year:
Friday 28th May 2021
Monday 7th June 2021
Monday 19th July 2021
Tuesday 20th July 2021
Summer half term: Monday 31st May to Friday 4th June 2021
Summer second half term begins: Tuesday 8th June (as Monday we are closed for Staff training)
End of Summer term: Friday 16th July 2021 (as Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th is Staff training)
For the term dates for the next two years please follow this link:
Reminder: Symptom Awareness
Please do not send your child to school if they have any of the following symptoms:
- A new and continuous cough
- A high temperature
- Loss of taste or smell
If any of these symptoms occur please book a Covid-19 test as soon as is possible and communicate the result to us via school text service or school email (day or night) as soon as you receive it.
If your child is not in school, for whatever reason, please do text, email or phone us with the reason as soon as possible on the day of absence, as this is part of the records we need to keep in these COVID times in addition to our normal safeguarding procedures.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs M Harris
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