Newsletter – 06.03.20

Dear Parents and Carers,


I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the warm welcome I have received this week, and I look forward to working with you all over the next year whilst Mrs Harris is on maternity leave.




You will have the opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and discuss their progress during our parents’ evenings on the following dates –




You will receive a text message next week with a link to the booking website, where you can choose a convenient appointment time.





We had a very enjoyable Eisteddfod on Monday, and were very impressed by the standard of entries in all competitions and thank you for the support you showed your children with their home project.


Congratulations to our Bardd who was crowned for her poem about Wales, and to all our pupils for participating in what was a lovely event to mark St. David’s Day.



To help celebrate Mother’s Day on March 22nd, ‘The Friends of St. Gabriel’s’ will be offering the children the chance to purchase a small gift to help make this day special.

Each gift will cost £3, with the opportunity to buy one or more gifts via ParentPay.

The closing date for payments is Wednesday, 12th March.

The children will have the chance to choose their own, hand wrapped gift during the school day on Friday, 20th March.


New Arrivals!

Everyone in Dosbarth Coch have been very excited this week as the chicken eggs that have incubating in the classroom hatched, and we were able to say hello to 9 healthy chicks!



Additional INSET day – School closed to pupils Monday 4th May

Welsh Government have awarded all schools an additional INSET day to make preparations for the new curriculum. We will be taking this day for staff training on Monday May 4th. Please note school will be closed to pupils on this day.


Please also note that there is a Bank Holiday in this week on Friday 8th May, where school will be closed to pupils on this day.



Attendance continues to improve – da iawn St. Gabriel’s. Our whole school attendance is once again above our target as we have achieved 96.2% this week.  Here are the figures for each class:


Dosbarth Coch: 94.2%

Dosbarth Cas-Gwent: 93.8%

Dosbarth Rhaglan: 98.9%

Dosbarth Cil-y-Coed: 98.3%

Dosbarth Caerdydd: 96.2%

Dosbarth Caerffili: 96.3%

Dosbarth Caernarfon: 96.7%


Dates for the Spring Term 2020 (New dates as the term progresses will be added in bold italics)



Friday 20th March

Friends of St Gabriel’s Mother’s Day Gifts (see ParentPay for more details)


Tuesday 24th March & Wednesday 25th March

Parental Consultations


Wednesday 1st April

1:45pm Palm Sunday reflection led by Foundation Phase – parents of Foundation Phase pupils welcome to attend


Thursday 2nd April

1:45pm Maundy Thursday reflection led by Years 3 and 4 – parents of Year 3 & 4 pupils welcome to attend


Friday 3rd April

1:45pm Good Friday reflection led by Years 5 and 6 – parents of Year 5 and 6 pupils welcome to attend.



Term Dates for this Year


Spring term: 6th January to 3rd April 2020

Spring Half term: 17th February to 21st February 2020


Easter Holidays: Monday 6th April to Friday 17th April 2020


Summer term: 20th April to 17th July 2020

Summer Half term: 25th May to 29th May 2020


INSET days for this Year

Monday 2nd September 2019

Monday 9th September 2019

Monday 21st October 2019

Monday 4th May

Friday 12th June 2020

Monday 20th July 2020


Yours sincerely,

Mr J. Llewellyn

Interim Headteacher

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