Blended Learning Menu: Dosbarth Caernarfon 09/11/20 – 22/11/20
Task 1: Reading
- Read your Home Reading book. Answer these comprehension questions with your grown-up:
- When and where did the story take place?
- What is the book about?
- Can you think of another story with a similar theme?
- How has the author use description to show how the character feels?
- Which parts of the text could be improved?
- If you were the main character, how would you have reacted to a situation in the story?
- Make sure your grown-up signs your Home Reading book and bring it in on Fridays for me to sign.
- Giglets – Read the books I have allocated you. Complete the HOTS and Reading Test tasks.
Task 2: Spelling
Go onto ‘Spelling Shed’ and practise the spellings set for you.
Also, practise spelling any homophones you find confusing e.g. their, there, they’re.
Task 3: Mental Maths
Play ‘Hit the Button’ on the Top Marks website:
Practise your mental maths test target ready for Friday’s test.
We will be revising addition and subtraction up to two decimal places using formal written methods. Once these methods are secure, we will use them to solve words problems and then apply the inverse operation check our answers.
We are continuing to read our class book ‘Wonder’ by R.J. Palacio. Over the next couple of weeks, we will be writing a persuasive letter from Mr Tushman to Auggie’s parents to persuade them that school is the best place for Auggie.
Our Christmas performance will be ‘A Christmas Carol’. Think about which character you’d like to play and start thinking of costumes you could wear.
We are continuing with our Vocation and Commitment focus and learning about how our beliefs and values influence our commitments. Then we will be learning about how followers of Judaism celebrate Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
Task 1: Science
Carry out the heart rate investigation with members of your family that we have done in class. How is their heart rate different to yours? How does heart rate differ between people who regularly exercise and those who do not exercise?
Task 2: Project
Create a timeline of your family’s history. Go back as far as you can. Include significant events like births, marriages, deaths and moving house. Present in any way you choose.
Task 3: Art
Speak to your family about surnames in your family tree and professions of your ancestors. Choose and create symbols to represent parts of your family ready to create a family crest at school. Also think about which colours you would use and why (Remember our work on Picasso’s use of colour to help you).
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