Blended Learning Menu: Dosbarth Caerdydd 04/01/21


Daily Activities

Task 1 – Reading and Comprehension

Daily  Reading

Read daily at home with an adult. Keep record of this by signing your reading record. Remember to put your reading gem in the pot!


You have a selection of books to read in your library. Have a go at answering the questions based on these texts.

Task 2 – Spelling

Spelling Shed 

You have allocated lists to learn and games to play. How many points can you score?

Task 3 – Mathematics

Maths Targets

Practice your weekly maths target at home. You might want to use the website Top Marks Maths to help you.


Our learning focus

Task 1 – Mathematics

  • We will be revising and consolidating multiplication and division facts.
  • We will be using a grid method to multiply a 2-digit number
    by a single digit.
  • We will be finding whole number remainders with simple division calculations rounding up or down.
  • We will be answering word problems involving multi-plication and division using the written methods above.

Task 2 – Literacy

The Iron Man by Ted Hughes

  • We will be reading the first chapter of The Iron Man by Ted Hughes and answering questions based on this using evidence.
  • We will be exploring the meaning of words within the text by creating our own dictionary.


  • We will be exploring and labelling the main features of a newspaper.
  • We will be using direct and reported speech.
  • We will be planning our own newspaper report about the sighting of the Mysterious Iron Man.
  • We will write our own newspaper report about the appearance of the Iron Man.

Task 3 – RE

  • Our next RE Topic will be ‘Community.’ We will be thinking about the communities that we belong to e.g our Family communities, School and the area we live.
  • We will make a list of the communities we belong to and make a list of the people do in each of these communities to help it run smoothly.

Task 4 – Science

  • We will be researching and finding out about the dif-ferent materials and recycling.


Extended learning

Task 1 – Expressive Arts

  • Look at the illustrations in the book. How have they been created? Can you create some pictures, based on the events of the book, in a similar style?

Task 2 –Health and Wellbeing

Create a ‘things to look forward to jar.’ What would you like to do in the future? Write these on colourful paper and place into a jar.

Task 3 – Science and Technology

 Make a stop motion animation based on the story or about another robot. Look at these examples for inspiration:


Use scratch to create a short animation.

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