Newsletter – 10.06.20
Dear Parent/ Carer,
I first of all wanted to once again thank you for all your patience, support and understanding over the past few weeks as we’ve had to deal with the Covid-19 virus. I completely understand how difficult this time has been for everyone and the demands it places on us all, and I wanted to take this opportunity to show my appreciation for the support I’ve received from the whole St. Gabriel’s community.
As you will have seen last week, the Education Minister Kirsty Williams announced that schools will be reopening on Monday 29th June for 4 weeks, with the end of term now being Friday 24th July (Monday 27th July will now replace Monday 20th July as an INSET day.)
As part of this announcement, she made clear that because of the restrictions social distancing measures have on the capacity in school buildings, there will be a maximum of one third of pupils in at any one time.
As a result, the pupils will all be able to attend school for one day a week starting from Monday 29th June, and there will be a maximum of 10 pupils per class, although this number is likely to be less depending on the size of your child’s class and numbers attending school. Alongside this reopening, the school will continue to operate as a childcare hub for key worker pupils and will do so for the remainder of the summer term.
I will be able to provide you with further details in next week’s newsletter regarding timings and procedures for the start and end of the school day, and I will also outline the social distancing/hygiene arrangements that we will make, and like all schools in Newport and Wales we will adhere to the guidelines given to us by the Welsh Government to ensure the safety of all staff, parents and pupils.
Thank you, best wishes and take care of yourselves and your family.
Mr J. Llewellyn
Interim Headteacher
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