Home Learning Websites

Useful Websites for Home Learning    


Maths and English learning with interactive activities linked to specific skills.


Usually a subscription service (used by schools) that is now offering a free service for parents and children to use.  The website includes Powerpoints, worksheets and activities to support all areas of learning.


A wide range of resources (interactive and printable) across all subject areas.


Scroll down to ‘Wales’ and select KS2.  A wide range of subjects are covered including some modern foreign languages if you’d like to have a go.  Suitable for KS2.


Usually a subscription service but is currently offering free access.  This website contains interactive activities and home learning packages for all year groups.


A range of interactive English and Maths games for Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2 pupils.


A collection of free curriculum linked resources to educate and entertain children.  Ideas for keeping active as well as videos, games and worksheets for Maths, English and Health and Wellbeing.


A fantastic primary encyclopaedia site from Dorling Kindersley.  Contains fun learning activities with videos, quizzes and galleries.


Ideas, resources and information on a wide range of curriculum areas.  Suitable for Foundation Phase pupils.


Provides curriculum-mapped videos arranged by subject and age-group.


Interactive activities on a wide range of curriculum areas including Literacy, Maths, Science, Geography, History and many more.


Language, Literacy and Communication

Free resources including educational activities and games as well as a free eBook library for children 3-11.  Our school reading scheme is Oxford Owl so this will complement what children have been learning in school.


Here you will find information on Read Write Inc (the scheme used in school) and lots of free resources to support your child’s learning at home.


A website full of short films and animations which can be used as inspiration for writing.


A CBeebies show supporting understanding of phonics.  Suitable for Foundation Phase.


Usually a subscription site which is currently free to use.  This website is filled with interactive phonic games.


A website where children can read about books, complete games and activities (linked to books) plus lots of competitions.


Videos of storybooks being read by celebrities.


David Walliams will read one of his children’s stories for around 20 minutes at 11am each day.  Scroll down on the website and look for the ‘Elevenses’ tab.


Enjoy story time with free online books and videos, play games, win prizes and complete book-themed quizzes.


Mathematical Development

A CBeebies show supporting understanding of numbers.  Suitable for Foundation Phase.


Maths home learning packages and lessons.


Usually a subscription website but is currently offering access to maths resources for Years 1 and 2 only.


Daily maths sessions with Carol Vorderman

Personal and Social

A news programme suitable for children.  The website contains news articles as well as a daily programme for children to watch.


Children can learn about the importance of travelling safely and keeping safe when they are out and about through information, films and games.



Physical Development

Movement and mindfulness video to get children moving.  Suitable for all ages.


  • E. with Joe Wicks – Monday to Friday 9am, live on YouTube ‘The Body Coach TV’


Yoga, mindfulness and relaxation for children.  Interactive adventures which build strength and balance.  Best suited to Foundation Phase children (aged 3-8).


Fun curriculum linked resources and videos to get children moving while they learn.  Suitable for Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2.


Creative Development (Art, Design, Music)

  • The Artist’s Toolkithttp://archive.artsmia.org/artists_toolkit/explore.cfm.html

Explore line, colour shape and space.  Each section has an animated demonstration and examples in works of art, then you can try your own composition.


  • Drawing a portrait – http://www.portrait-artist.org/face/index.html

A website that teaches you how to draw each feature of the face in detail.


Games, activities and videos all about art.


A guide to the instruments in an orchestra from the BBC.  Audio files allow children to listen to each instrument. Suitable for Key Stage 2.



A site designed for children to learn about music, particularly the classics.  It contains information, audio files and fun games and activities.


  • Appraising music – http://resources.hwb.wales.gov.uk/VTC/2008-09/music/ogd-new-appraising-ks2/en/index.html

A series of interactive appraising activities divided into 5 different activities.  Suitable for Key Stage 2.


The website is full of creative games, activities and fun things to try at home.


Every weekday Techniquest are uploading a new science demo at midday.  Some will be ones you can try at home, others will be using materials that you can only find in Techniquest.


A wealth of teaching and learning resources including animations, videos, presentations and interactive activities.  Mainly science with some geography and DT too.


Activities and crafts to do around the home.


BBC news explores our planet’s most pressing environmental issues.


A website with videos and information on a number of science topics including the living world, the human body, materials, forces and motion, light and sound, electricity, earth and space and general science skills.


Activities related to animals and the environment.  While we can’t go out into nature these could be adapted and carried out in the garden.


Videos demonstrating experiments (scroll down to the bottom of the page).



A website with videos and information on a number of history topics including history skills, British history, world history and famous people.


Scroll down to select a Key Stage.  This website contains activity packs, resources and facts about a wide range of periods through history.


Choose the museum you would like to explore and simply click the link.


One hundred objects from museums across the UK with resources, information and ideas to inspire.


A website with videos and information on a number of Geography topics including geography skills, people and places, the natural world, human geography and sustainability.  Suitable for Key Stage 2 pupils.


Satellite imagery and maps to let you view the whole world.


  • Owl and Mouse Interactive Maps – http://www.yourchildlearns.com/geography.htm

Free maps of countries and every continent in the world.


A site with maps of all the countries of the world including interesting facts about each nation too.


Welsh Language Development

Videos in Welsh to revise key topics (e.g. parts of the body, friends and family, feelings, food and drink, hobbies etc.)  Suitable for Foundation Phase pupils.


Just for fun

Games linked to popular CBeebies show.  Suitable for Foundation Phase pupils.


This website is designed to pull back the curtain to show you how artists, designers and engineers work together to create theme parks. Go behind the scenes with Disney Imagineers and complete project-based exercises to design a theme park of your very own.


  • Virtual Disney World – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYyJUEtYv-ZW7BgjhP3UbTg/videos

Choose a video and take a ride on a rollercoaster from the comfort of your own home!


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